Dying in war = hero?

Well they did give up their life.
Of course! It's the ultimate sacrifice. And a US Soldier that's Killed because of enemy action will always receive The Purple Heart Medal.
Yes, I feel soldiers, who died fighting for their country, are heros because they saved many lives by defending their country against terrorists, criminal gangs, and unfriendly countries who decided to kill people for selfish reasons.
If a soldier dies fighting for his or her country, are they automatically a hero?

Why or why not?
I don't know what else that would happen to you at war that's going to make you a hero more than that at least for your country and not against the country you're fighting against.
Not to disrespect the dead but I don't really think so (but it also depends on the circumstance and what they were fighting for). There has been many battles our country has fought that I disagreed with in the first place. We go sticking our nose in the rest of the world's business and getting our people killed for no good reason. Think of all the families that would still be whole if we didn't send our troops to go fight over some dumb political reason or just because the president at the time felt like flexing his muscles.
Not to disrespect the dead but I don't really think so (but it also depends on the circumstance and what they were fighting for). There has been many battles our country has fought that I disagreed with in the first place. We go sticking our nose in the rest of the world's business and getting our people killed for no good reason. Think of all the families that would still be whole if we didn't send our troops to go fight over some dumb political reason or just because the president at the time felt like flexing his muscles.
You can disagree with the war, but I don’t agree with “punishing” or condemning the average military personnel. They’re just following what they were legally told to do, which was to deploy to combat. Vietnam vets got shit on for decades until they finally got their long awaited respect.
If a soldier dies fighting for his or her country, are they automatically a hero?

Why or why not?
Yes! We have visited many museums honoring those who have given their lives for others. One deep local story was a barbed wire fence. The soldier put his body over it so his friends could crawl to safety. Of course, the soldier didn't make it. So yes, indeed, they need to be honored if they put their life on the line. They are protecting not only their comrades but their country.
Yes! We have visited many museums honoring those who have given their lives for others. One deep local story was a barbed wire fence. The soldier put his body over it so his friends could crawl to safety. Of course, the soldier didn't make it. So yes, indeed, they need to be honored if they put their life on the line. They are protecting not only their comrades but their country.
Soldiers like that are the ones with biggest heart. I heard a story about some who had to run through a mine field first to detonate the bombs for others to walk through without being blown to pieces.